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No-one likes to be left guessing when it comes to how much they're going to pay and when.
We hope this quick Q&A will answer all of your questions when it comes to Mweb's billing rules and processes.
Common Billing Questions
Why do I need to pay an Upfront payment?
Upfront payments are applicable to:
Fibre orders which are subject to an Order Processing Fee;
LTE orders which are subject to any Hardware payments.
These upfront fees will be debited on the same day the order is placed.
I have accidentally inserted the incorrect banking details upon signup:
Ensure that the bank details provided for your order is accurate and up to date. Failure to provide correct bank details may result in a debit order fee being applied to your account and could lead to your order being delayed or cancelled. Kindly double-check the information you have provided to avoid any inconvenience or additional charges. To correct your bank details, please click on the following link: Billing Home
I just signed up for a new product When will I be billed?
New products are only billed for once they become active, billing should occur within 5 days of product activation.
When do I get charged for hardware, or installation fees?
If your new product includes a hardware purchase, or installation charges you will be billed for these immediately on sign up.
When will monthly payments come off my account?
After the initial activation subsequent payments are collected on the last working day of each month.
When will my Mweb subscription be paid?
Mweb billing occurs in advance, at the beginning of the calendar month.
Why did I get charged a Pro-rata amount?
If you sign up for a new product before the end of the calendar month, but after the 26th, you will need to pay a partial subscription for the remainder of that month. This is called a pro-rata (or proportional) amount. In that month you will pay both the pro-rata amount and your full subscription for the following month.